for those components which haven't been mavenized, you'll need to create a file (there will probably be a file containing guildence).

however, i suspect that you're trying to run the now obsolute site build (we now use maven). if this is the case then if you are trying to build the site, use maven; if you are trying to build components then each has a build contained in it's subdirectory.

- robert

On 19 Oct 2004, at 09:41, A Leg wrote:


I update jakarta-commons this morning
I have problem to compile because some library paths are hard coded :

<!-- jar files for using Anakia to build the documentation -->
<property name="velocity.jar" value="../jakarta-velocity/bin/velocity-1.5-dev.jar"/>
<property name="commons-collections.jar" value="../jakarta-velocity/build/lib/commons-collections.jar"/>
<property name="jdom.jar" value="../jakarta-velocity/build/lib/jdom-b9.jar"/>
<property name="log4j.jar" value="../jakarta-velocity/build/lib/log4j-1.1.3.jar"/>
<property name="xerces.jar" value="../jakarta-velocity/build/lib/xerces-1.3.0.jar"/>

And if you don't have ../jakarta-velocity/build/lib ...............

Best regards


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