On Tue, 2 Nov 2004 20:42:03 -0800, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> It's not a question of whether anyone could tell, or  whether or not
> you should have mentioned it. The point is that the ASF can not accept
> LGPL derived code, for legal reasons.

Sorry I was kidding, guess i shouldnt have :-)

> What you originally said was "I 'borrowed' and modified the jdiff
> code", which says that your code is derived from JDiff code, which is
> LGPL code. If what you meant is that you took the code from the JDiff
> *Maven plugin*, and that is existing Apache code, then that is a very
> different story.

Obviously my mistake, it was the Jdiff maven plugin code (i have not
read and do not intended to read the jdiff code, im sures it great but
it doesnt interest me :-D )

For the record and hopefully to clear everything up, my plugin.jelly
file used this:
http://cvs.apache.org/viewcvs/maven-plugins/jdiff/plugin.jelly as a reference

I hope helps sort out the situation.

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