On Sat, 6 Nov 2004 02:21:09 +0800, Corey Scott <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> This may not the time (or the place), but I am going to ask anyway.
> It would seem that at the moment, all around the world, people are
> doing the same work over and over.  Particularly in regard to certain
> packages/functions, this to me seems a little (well a lot) redundant.
> Specifically, there seems to be an insane abundance of CMS'es for
> example.  With no really effort put into standardization,
> collaboration, etc.  This effectivately results in the rest of us
> developing other add-ons (eg. forums, shopping-carts, etc.) that are
> not integrated, dont co-operate or any of the other nice stuff :-)
> I realize that Apache Forrest (and others) are working web-site
> generation tools, but I would like to find out what everyone thinks
> about the feasibility of developing an Apache CMS.

You mean like this?


Martin Cooper

> For my mind it would have to be something that is:
> 1) user friendly (for non-techies too), sadly not all projects are
> 2) standards based
> 3) secure
> 4) has good performance
> 5) db independant
> 6) open to extension and integration
> 7) flexible
> Anyway, these are my musings, I will very much appreciate any and all comments.
> Thanks,
> Corey
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