--- robert burrell donkin  wrote:

> On 11 Nov 2004, at 07:40, Brian Stansberry wrote:> 
> >  A couple things occurred to me as I looked.
> >  
> > 1)  The instances of Referenced are not cleared
> from the underlying 
> > table if their underlying references are cleared.
> > 2)  Passing null keys/values to put() does not
> result in a NPE.
> > 
> > One thought on #1 is to make Referenced a subclass
> of WeakReference 
> > instead of a wrapper.  You can then keep a
> ReferenceQueue and poll it 
> > to remove cleared references from the hashtable
> whenever get() is 
> > called.  This is similar to what WeakHashMap does.
> i had a bit of a think about the best way to do
> this. i think the 
> approach outlined would be best if this were a
> general implementation. 
> in this case, though, the majority of calls are
> going to be to get with 
> somewhat less going to put and very few to any
> others. i can't think of 
> any occasions when the symantics of put and get are
> influenced by the 
> presence of extra entries. so i've opted for code
> that simply purges 
> entries that have lost their referants which is
> called at the start of 
> other interrogative methods. the data returned will
> be more stale than 
> using a reference queue but i think that liveliness
> for put and get should be improved.
Yep, slowing down the critical get() just to sweep up
some dust in the corners makes no sense.

> i'd be grateful if people would take a look at the
> code and try to find 
> any holes in this approach or reasons why using a
> ReferenceQueue might 
> improve liveliness (preferably with patches)...

I was thinking about this and concluded that the
approach of iterating the Hashtable.entrySet() would
be faster since you're checking if either the key or
the value has been cleared.  Using a ReferenceQueue
for values would force you to use a reverse lookup
map, which seems inefficient.

But then I thought, wait, should the values be held in
WeakReferences?  In a typical case where the
application just calls LogFactory.getLog(), won't the
only reference to the LogFactory instance be the value
in the map?  In this case a lot of calls to getLog()
will end up going through the getFactory() discovery
mechanism as the GC keeps clearing the values from the


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