Thursday, November 18, 2004, 5:57:48 AM, Matt Sgarlata wrote:

> I haven't been on the list a while but I saw your posts earlier
> this month.  I too, like Ron, spent some time developing my own
> approach to the goals of the commons-convert project.  I have some
> code started out that isn't incredibly well documented, but all the
> ideas are there.  Below is a summary of my approach.  The code is
> available at the URL below under the Apache 2.0 license.

I've taken a quick look at your description and the source, which
looks quite promising.  Correct me if I am getting things wrong, but I
think we try to solve different problems, which is acutally a good
thing (as they might even complement each other).
If I get things right, you try to provide a framework for passing
"bean like" structures around, and convert them to their various
representations, as every library provides its own.
My focus is on trying to provide a "generic" conversion framework,
with primary focus on the type.  Eg, some libraries like to use "int,"
others prefer "short," which makes not much of a difference if all
values are, say, between 0 and 1000.
While this conversion is quite simple for some types, it can be
cumbersome for others, eg if you got a short[], but the library
prefers an int[].


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