On Tue, 30 Nov 2004 09:31:25 +1300, Sharples, Colin
> > I doubt Eclipse will ever have built-in svn support because there are
> > several third party plugins available.  Since adding a plugin
> > update site
> > is so trivial in Eclipse I wouldn't think this would be a big deal.
> >
> > The plugin I use with Struts svn is http://subclipse.tigris.org/.  It
> > works largely the same as Eclipse's cvs plugin.
> I'm sure Eclipse *will* have built-in svn support at some point. If the 
> Subclipse plug-in provides more or less the same functionality  as the 
> standard cvs plug-ins, and conforms to the VCM architecture, then there is 
> every chance that it could be hosted by Eclipse and provided as an 
> alternative to the cvs stuff. The key will be the adoption rate of svn in the 
> wider community - the more projects like Apache/Jakarta that use it, the 
> greater will be the demand for Eclipse to support it...

It's a stated goal of the infrastructure team to get _all_ Apache
projects moved over from CVS to SVN, for a variety of important
reasons. A bunch of projects have already made the move, as you can
see here:


If you believe that tool support will follow adoption, then we'd be
doing ourselves a favour by migrating sooner rather than later. Then
the ASF can say "we use only Subversion for all our source control
needs", which is a pretty powerful statement that SVN is here to stay
in a big way.

Martin Cooper

> One of those chicken and egg things... ;-)
> Colin Sharples
> IBM Advisory IT Specialist
> Email: sharples-at-nz.ibm.com
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