I also dropped RELEASE-NOTES.txt and was planning to include a link in README.html and on the commons download page to the changes.html generated by maven, similarly to what [configuration] does.

Is that OK, or should I add this file back, putting the links to the maven-generated report in the RELEASE-NOTES.txt file? As I said above, I am happy to update and restore both this and STATUS.html, but I noticed that some other components don't have either one of these and maintaining duplicate files with the same info seems unecessary.

Also, what exactly is the purpose of README.html in http://www.apache.org/dist/jakarta/commons/foo and why are these files not in cvs? Some components have this file and some do not. It is referred to in section 11 of <http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/releases/release.html>. I was planning on creating one of these as per the instructions, but am wondering what purpose it serves, since users are not directed to this location for download.

Thanks in advance.


Martin Cooper wrote:
This is actually a precedent-setting commit. ;-)

Currently, the Commons charter states that a status file must exist,
and, to date, I believe people have assumed that that file must be
named either "STATUS.txt" or "STATUS.html". Since, as Phil says below,
this status file is obsoleted by the combination of project.xml and
changes.xml, at least for Mavenised projects, it might be worth being
more explicit about this in the charter.

So, we could add a clause to the charter that says that "the status
file" is either (project.xml + changes.xml) for a Mavenised project,
or STATUS.html or STATUS.txt for non-Mavenised projects.


Martin Cooper

On 5 Dec 2004 23:19:12 -0000, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

psteitz     2004/12/05 15:19:11

Removed:     math     STATUS.html
Removed STATUS file obsoleted by project.xml, changes.xml

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