On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 23:36, simon wrote:
> >       Digester d = new Digester();
> >       d.push(this); //stack bottom
> >       d.addSetNext(      "root/a/b",   "processB" , "BBean"); // when 
> > root/a/b pattern mathes, execute processB on 'this' with BBean type param
> >       d.addSetNext(      "root/a",   "processA", "ABean"); // when root/a 
> > pattern mathes, execute processA on 'this' with ABean type param
> >       d.addObjectCreate( "root/a",   ABean.class);
> >       d.addObjectCreate( "root/a/b", BBean.class);
> > 
> > I get this error:
> > 
> > [DEBUG] Digester - -[SetNextRule]{root/a/b} Call 
> > Factory.processB([EMAIL PROTECTED])
> > [ERROR] Digester - -End event threw exception 
> > <java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type 
> > mismatch>java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch
> > 
> > Obviously, processB() was called with the wrong arg type(ABean instead of 
> > BBean) and that because the BBean obj was just poped from the stack.
> No, I think what is happening is that Digester is attempting to call a
> method
>    processB(BBean)
> on an object of type ABean. The ABean class presumably doesn't have such
> a method.

On re-reading the exception trace, I see I didn't look carefully enough
the first time.

I still stand by my original comments, but the reason you are getting
this message:
> [DEBUG] Digester - -[SetNextRule]{root/a/b} Call 
> Factory.processB([EMAIL PROTECTED])
is because you called d.addSetNext("root/a/b", ...) before you called
d.addObjectCreate("root/a/b", ...). This means that when the <b> element
is found, an attempt is made to call processB (passing the top object on
the stack) before the BBean object has been created and pushed on the

If you ensure the rules creating the ABean and BBean objects are added
before the rules that call processA/processB, then you will get a
*different* problem (being the one I described in my earlier email) but
I think this will at least be a step forward...

You may find it useful to download the "source" distribution of
digester-1.6 and look in the src/examples directory to see some simple
examples of how to use the commons digester.

And in future, please direct this sort of question to the "user" list
rather than the developer list. Almost all jakarta developers are also
watching the user list, so you lose nothing by asking on the correct
list. In addition there are many experienced coders on the user list who
could help, but are not subscribed to the dev list.



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