On Wed, 22 Dec 2004 08:58:13 +1300, Sharples, Colin
> > And, in my experience watching work done with tools like
> > Gump, any time
> > people do weird trickery with package names, like Sun
> > renaming some packages
> > from x.y.z to com.sun.x.y.z, this inevitably seems to cause
> > lots of problems
> > somewhere down the line.
> Exactly. Remember the howls of protest when Sun changed the Swing package 
> names from com.sun.java.swing to javax.swing? They wanted Swing to be part of 
> the core JDK, but there couldn't be any com.sun packages in the core JDK, so 
> they had to find a way to bring a new package into the JDK. The javax.* 
> namespace was created precisely *because* renaming packages is such a PITA - 
> this provided a way for anybody to write an extension to the Java libraries 
> in such a way that they could eventually make it into the core libraries.
> The fact is, when package names change, it's just way too much trouble to 
> keep up to date. I bet there is still JDK1.1 code out there using the old 
> Swing package names even today.

I do not think you can compare JDK APIs to commons APIs as you hardly
have more than one version of JDK API in your classpath ;)



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