Right I just changed from long  to java.math.BigDecimal and for date field 
and it worked. I will try new build soon.
Thanks for quick reply
spframe live

David Graham <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
First, you need to alias the column names in the sql to avoid having to
use the horrible underscore in your java method names:

select index_id as indexID, document_type as documentType, date_entered as
dateEntered from MyTable

DBUtils 1.0 didn't contain very intelligent column to bean property
mapping. Oracle's JDBC driver returns NUMBER columns as BigDecimal so
changing your indexID from a long to a BigDecimal should fix the problem. 
However, working with longs is easier so I suggest you download the latest
nightly build of DBUtils. Since 1.0 was released we made the type mapping
a bit smarter so your long indexID should be populated correctly.


--- spframe live wrote:

> I have 
> Table with these column name and types
> SELECT index_id, document_type, date_entered from MyTable;
> and database has required data.
> public MyBean class { 
> public long index_ID ;
> public String document_Type ;
> public java.sql.Date date_Entered ;
> public MyBean(){
> super();
> }
> public long getIndex_ID() {
> return index_ID;
> }
> public void setIndex_ID(long index_ID) {
> this.index_ID = index_ID;
> }
> public java.sql.Date getDate_Entered() {
> return this.date_Entered;
> }
> public void setDate_Entered(java.sql.Date date_Entered) {
> this.date_Entered = date_Entered;
> } 
> public String getDocument_Type() {
> return document_Type;
> }
> public void setDocument_Type(String document_Type) {
> this.document_Type = document_Type;
> }
> }
> public SomeTestCalss {
> public void someTestmethod(){
> // some how got connetion/ result set statement this is tested ok
> callst.execute();
> //Casting the returned parameter, OracleTypes.CURSOR to a JDBC
> ResultSet
> rset = (ResultSet)callst.getObject(1);
> rset = StringTrimmedResultSet.wrap(rset);
> SqlNullCheckedResultSet sqlncrswrap = new
> SqlNullCheckedResultSet(rset);
> sqlncrswrap.setNullDate(null) ;
> sqlncrswrap.setNullInt(0) ;
> sqlncrswrap.setNullString(""); 
> rset = ProxyFactory.instance().createResultSet(sqlncrswrap);
> // Pass wrapped ResultSet to processor
> results = BasicRowProcessor.instance().toBeanList(rset,MyBean.class);
> Iterator iter = mciResults.iterator();
> while (iter.hasNext()) {
> MyBean mb = (MyBean) iter.next();
> System.out.println("Index ID"+mb.getIndex_ID());
> System.out.println("Document Type"+mb.getDocument_Type());
> System.out.println("date_entered "+mb.getDate_Entered());
> }
> }
> }
> output looks like this 
> Index ID 0 
> Document Type MYDOCTYPE 
> Date entered null 
> Why Index ID for all rows is 0 and Date entered for all rows is null
> while I can get Document Type value correctly.
> ---------------------------------
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