Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote on 12/22/2004 04:53:49 AM:


> JCL shows indications of mission creep. I believe this to be a factual
> observation independent of ASF representation.

Just to help clarify your concern, would you please define "mission 

> >(conversely, if you do think that JCL is out of scope for the commons 
> >is at danger of becoming so - and that it's a big enough issue to 
> >things such as appealing to the members, then please tell me and i'd be 

> >glad to nominate you - and any other logging services pmc members who 
> >interested - as committers for the commons and give you a free hand to 
> >sort out the problem as you best see fit. at least that way, myself and 

> >the rest of the JCL community will have a voice and some sort of vote. 
> >that would seem to me to be much more in the old apache spirit, at 
> >as far as i can remember it...)
> Thank you for this offer. We need to consider it carefully and check
> whether we can participate in a meaningful manner. I am forwarding it
> to the LS PMC.

Interesting indeed, not a bad idea.  IMHO, any LS PMC member granted 
committer status on JCL needs a firm & rational grasp on the distinctly 
different goals between JCL and Log4J.  Ceki, I believe, understands this 
distinction well.  I trust anyone else nominated for this role would 
understand and respect these differences as well.

> >- robert
> -- 
> Ceki Gülcü

Richard A. Sitze
IBM WebSphere WebServices Development

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