Done for [configuration].

Happy new year :)

Emmanuel Bourg

Henri Yandell wrote:

Need to be moved to for jira/bugzilla; for eyebrowse and for the
old wiki links.

137 - latka
99 - math
74 - jelly
67 - httpclient
49 - master
27 - cli
26 - discovery
24 - el
24 - sandbox
22 - fileupload
20 - io
18 - betwixt
17 - primitives
16 - lang
8 - discover
6 - beanutils
5 - configuration
4 - logging
4 - validator
4 - codec
3 - dbcp
2 - modeler
2 - jexl.old
2 - net
2 - jxpath
1 - collections
1 - commons.html
1 - email
1 - resources
1 - pool
1 - digester
1 - dbutils
1 - releases
1 - jexl
1 - launcher
1 - directory.html
1 - attributes
1 - transaction

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