robert burrell donkin wrote:

hi steve

may i suggest that you post a (concise) request for help on community?

- robert

Robert, I have. I posted earlier on this subject, much more concisely. (See attached) I had one reply which tried to be helpful but wasn't.

Here is the conclusion I have come to after looking at manuals for all
the common FTP server daemons all my googling in recent days on this
subject.  I have no confirmation of this but take it for what it's worth.

In the past, ftp servers running on unix systems actually called ls to
do their listings.  ls is, of course,  locale-respecting.  Modern ftp
servers (used by almost all serious sites today) do not use ls, nor do
they offer locale-specific listing formats.  Possibly by building them
from source, one might be able to achieve this, but why?  Since software
is increasingly international, having a "non-standard" appearance is a
negative, not a positive.  (An interesting reverse twist on i18n).

The few sites on which we've had these complaints, then, I suppose, are
running older ftp daemons, that do use ls to format listings.


--- Begin Message --- I've recently checked in some code to jakarta-commons-net to enable it to retrieve file listings from FTP servers that do not encode timestamps in the English notation and/or the American date order, which seems to be the default by far. But we have had persistent, although infrequent requests for this functionality and we wanted to grant these requests. However, I am having a devil of a time finding publicly accessible ftp servers who encode this way. Over an hour of googling for such strings as "FTP francais" brought back only servers that encoded in English or sites I couldn't access. Most seemed to use the American/English encodings, even if the messages on their server were in French.

Since Jakarta is a very international body, I've decided to cast the net a little wider than the commons-dev mailing list and ask if anyone can point me at such servers for more testing of my new code.

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