On Thu, 20 Jan 2005, Brett Porter <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Is httpclient 2.0 instantaneously disappearing when 3.0 is released? 

Don't most projects think that way?  There are some honorary
exceptions, but how often do you see "use 2.x instead" if users find a
bug in 1.x?

Moving these philosophical discussions out of the way

> IMO if a project introduces a major version (or a release otherwise
> not backwards compatible), and they continue to support the previous
> version (ie its not archived), then gump should allow a project to
> build against it.

Gump does.  There is a project descriptor for the httpclient 2.x
branch, that you could build against.

  <project name="commons-httpclient-2.0-branch">

You may find it requires commons-codec as well, though.  Not sure
about httpclient 2.0.2, which is their latest non-beta release.

> With Jelly approaching (finally) a 1.0 release, its really not the
> time to be upgrading to beta dependencies :)


So you are going to have a final release of forehead before that?
Just kidding.


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