Stéphane Rault wrote:
I'm trying to use the wonderful VFS. It works quite well but I've a problem with writing in zip file. Searching for informations, I wonder if VFS is still a live project and if sometimes, it will leave the sandbox to become a complete Jakarta-Common project ?

I'd like to see some more utility methods for manipulating file objects. For example, much of my code needs:

    void saveAs() throws IOException;
    void moveTo() throws IOException;
    void copyTo() throws IOException;

I use these as high-level operations which use do-or-die semantics (succeed or throw an exception) and call more basic file object operations to do the work. Here is the implementation of saveAs() with a lot of things unexplained (but I use readable names, so I hope that helps -- a WhimFile is just a with these extra operations; I'm using it to demonstrate my ideas to my coworkers):

private static void saveMaybeBackup(final WhimFile original,
        final InputStream newContents, final boolean keepBackup)
        throws IOException {
    final WhimFile scratch = original.createTempWhimFile("save", null);

    try {
        copyAndClose(newContents, scratch.getOutputStream());

        if (keepBackup && original.exists())

        // TODO: if scratch.moveTo throws, restore original from backup?

    } finally {

Cheers, --binkley

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