Paul Libbrecht wrote:
You're underestimating the eclipse deployment.

Am I? I don't think so. I am not talking about general use of subversion, I am talking about use of svn to manage jakarta-commons projects. The only problematic use case I've found with subeclipse is adding a project to a repository. (Of course, there may be others I haven't hit yet). That is clearly not something the ordinary jakarta-commons committer like myself is going to be doing everyday. When I do something more than committing changes or updating (such as preparing a release), I don't use eclipse at all, even for CVS, but follow the command line scripts on the jakarta-commons website.

All friends I know who use Windows have no other ways of using cvs than Eclipse... (they know they can do differently but...).

But the migration is clearly going to tighten the wish for maturity of Subclipse....


Le 24 janv. 05, à 00:35, Steve Cohen a écrit :

However, I recognize that that's a relatively minor use case for jakarta-commons. I presume that most projects would be added to svn at the command line, and this is a one-time operation anyway. Other use cases within Eclipse seemed to work all right.

So I will go along with the infrastructure guys, noting that many of the negative votes are not based on actual experience as extensive as even my limited experience.

The ride may be a little bumpy, but isn't that par for the course?

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