Dion Gillard wrote:

Dion I was looking at feedparser a little (and btw my comment
previously was about the commons-configuration project not feedparser)
and my understanding it's an event based API, eg analogous to SAX.


Also the front page 'example' indicates classes that just don't seem
to even exist in the Javadoc.

I know. Joseph Ottinger just gave me a patch to build all packages in SVN with Javadoc. Now I just need to figure out how to update the site :)

The example has the text "Developers
place all their logic in a FeedParserListener which receives callbacks
from the FeedParser. They then pass the FeedParser an InputStream and
they are ready to get events:" but the Javadoc has no class called
FeedParser. The sample code then shows that the FeedParserListener is
implemented as an inline class of type DefaultFeedParserListener which
is also not in the javadoc. It has  utilises a variable called parser
- FeedParser parser = FeedParserFactory.newFeedParser(); - again this
class doesn't exist in the javadoc.

Hm... that one should... The javadoc is out of date. Again we're still trying to get everything setup within Apache correctly. Still trying to work on that. Any help appreciated ;)

There's a wiki page I created for this:


finally the method signature of the onItem()

public void onItem( FeedParserState state,
                           String title,
                           String link,
                           String description,
                           String permalink ) throws FeedParserException {

shows that it doesn't support the many features of RSS 2.0 for example
enclosures (important in my context) plus many other tags you can find
in the rss item.

Yes... it was designed that way. onItem() is designed to be compatible across all flavors of RSS and Atom. Any additional metadata is passed within additional events.

For example the above has no date information. If you want dates a second event is called after onItem() called onCreated() with a java Date object (and we handle the complexity of ISO8601 vs RFC822 dates)

of course the example might just be very old but it's not exactly
awe-inspiring when the given example doesn't appear to match anything
documented in the api.

The API is just out of sync. We should still have more examples.

just thought you might like to pass this feedback on.

Thanks for the feedback!


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