 Thu Feb  3 17:51:43 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
+        "Digester" component of the Jakarta Commons Subproject
+        DTD for the definition of Digester rules in XML.
+        $Id: digester-rules.dtd,v 1.1 2003/11/09 01:24:04 tobrien Exp $
+<!-- This document type defines an XML format for defining Digester rules.
+     Digester is a framework for pattern-matching-based parsing of XML into
+     Java objects. See  -->
+<!ENTITY % rule-elements "bean-property-setter-rule | call-method-rule |
+                   call-param-rule | object-param-rule |
+                   factory-create-rule | object-create-rule |
+                   set-properties-rule | set-property-rule | set-top-rule |
+                   set-next-rule" >
+<!-- digester-rules is the root element. -->
+<!ELEMENT digester-rules (pattern | include | bean-property-setter-rule | 
call-method-rule | call-param-rule |  object-param-rule | factory-create-rule | 
object-create-rule | set-properties-rule | set-property-rule | set-top-rule | 
set-next-rule )*>
+<!-- <pattern> defines a matching pattern, or part of a matching pattern. Any
+     rule nested in a pattern element prepends its parent's to its pattern.
+     Patterns may be recursively nested.
+     Example:
+       <pattern value="foo">
+          <pattern value="bar">
+            <object-create-rule pattern="baz" classname="Fubar" />
+          </pattern>
+       </pattern>
+     The above sample fragment defines an ObjectCreateRule associated
+     with the pattern "foo/bar/baz".
+  Note that the use of pattern elements is optional; an alternative is for
+  each rule element to contain a 'pattern' attribute.   -->
+<!ELEMENT pattern (pattern | include | bean-property-setter-rule | 
call-method-rule | call-param-rule |
+                   factory-create-rule | object-create-rule |
+                   set-properties-rule | set-property-rule | set-top-rule |
+                   set-next-rule )*>
+<!ATTLIST pattern
+    value CDATA #REQUIRED>
+  <include> allows one set of digester rules to be included inside
+  another. The 'path' attribute contains the URI of the document to
+  include. Inclusion behaves as if the included rules document is
+  'macro-expanded' within the outer document.
+  Programmatically initialized rules can be included as well, via the
+  'class' attribute. The 'class' attribute should contain the name
+  of a class that implements
+  org.apache.commons.digester.xmlrules.DigesterRulesSource.
+<!ELEMENT include EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST include
+    path  CDATA #IMPLIED
+    class CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- Each 'rule' element below corresponds to a concrete subclass
+     of org.apache.framework.digester.Rule.
+     Each 'rule' element has an optional 'pattern' attribute, which
+     defines the pattern for that rule instance. If the rule element
+     is nested inside one or more <pattern> elements, those patterns
+     will be prepended to the pattern specified in the rule's 'pattern'
+     attribute. -->
+<!-- Bean Property Setter Rule -->
+<!ELEMENT bean-property-setter-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST bean-property-setter-rule
+    pattern      CDATA #IMPLIED
+    propertyname CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- CallMethodRule -->
+<!ELEMENT call-method-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST call-method-rule
+    pattern    CDATA #IMPLIED
+    methodname CDATA #REQUIRED
+    paramcount CDATA #IMPLIED
+    paramtypes CDATA #IMPLIED>
+    CallParamRule 
+    attrname - set param from attribute value (cannot be combined with 
+    from-stack - set param from stack (cannot be combined with attrname)
+    -->
+<!ELEMENT call-param-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST call-param-rule
+    pattern  CDATA #IMPLIED
+    paramnumber CDATA #REQUIRED
+    attrname CDATA #IMPLIED
+    from-stack CDATA #IMPLIED>
+    ObjectParamRule
+    attrname  
+           - an arbitrary Object defined programatically, assigned if the 
+             element pattern AND specified attribute name are matched
+    param 
+           - an arbitrary Object defined programatically, assigned when the 
+             element pattern associated with the Rule is matched
+    type 
+           - class name for object
+    value 
+           - initial value for the object
+    -->
+<!ELEMENT object-param-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST object-param-rule
+    pattern  CDATA #IMPLIED
+    paramnumber CDATA #REQUIRED
+    param CDATA #REQUIRED
+    attrname CDATA #IMPLIED
+    value CDATA #IMPLIED>
+    FactoryCreateRule 
+    ignore-exceptions - if this attribute is (ignore case) 'true' then any 
+                        thrown by the object create rule will be ignore.
+                        This will allow processing to continue.
+    -->
+<!ELEMENT factory-create-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST factory-create-rule
+    pattern   CDATA #IMPLIED
+    classname CDATA #REQUIRED
+    attrname  CDATA #IMPLIED
+    ignore-exceptions  CDATA #IMPLIED> 
+<!-- ObjectCreateRule -->
+<!ELEMENT object-create-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST object-create-rule
+    pattern   CDATA #IMPLIED
+    classname CDATA #REQUIRED
+    attrname  CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- SetPropertiesRule -->
+<!ELEMENT set-properties-rule (alias)*>
+<!ATTLIST set-properties-rule
+    pattern   CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- An alias is a custom attribute->property name mapping -->
+<!ATTLIST alias
+ attr-name CDATA #REQUIRED
+ prop-name CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- SetPropertyRule -->
+<!ELEMENT set-property-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST set-property-rule
+    pattern   CDATA #IMPLIED
+    name      CDATA #IMPLIED
+    value     CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- SetTopRule -->
+<!ELEMENT set-top-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST set-top-rule
+    pattern    CDATA #IMPLIED
+    methodname CDATA #REQUIRED
+    paramtype  CDATA #IMPLIED>
+<!-- SetNextRule -->
+<!ELEMENT set-next-rule EMPTY>
+<!ATTLIST set-next-rule
+    pattern    CDATA #IMPLIED
+    methodname CDATA #REQUIRED
+    paramtype  CDATA #IMPLIED>

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Binary file - no diff available.

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Added: jakarta/commons/proper/digester/branches/digester2/xdocs/index.xml
--- jakarta/commons/proper/digester/branches/digester2/xdocs/index.xml (added)
+++ jakarta/commons/proper/digester/branches/digester2/xdocs/index.xml Thu Feb  
3 17:51:43 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,151 @@
+<?xml version="1.0"?>
+ <properties>
+  <title>Commons</title>
+  <author email="">Commons Documentation 
+ </properties>
+ <body>
+<section name="The Digester Component">
+<p>Many Jakarta projects read XML configuration files to provide initialization
+of various Java objects within the system.  There are several ways of doing
+this, and the <em>Digester</em> component was designed to provide a common
+implementation that can be used in many different projects.</p>
+<p>Basically, the <em>Digester</em> package lets you configure an XML -&gt;
+Java object mapping module, which triggers certain actions called
+<em>rules</em> whenever a particular pattern of nested XML elements is
+recognized.  A rich set of predefined <em>rules</em> is available for your
+use, or you can also create your own.  Advanced features of <em>Digester</em>
+<li>Ability to plug in your own pattern matching engine, if the standard one
+    is not sufficient for your requirements.</li>
+<li>Optional namespace-aware processing, so that you can define rules that
+    are relevant only to a particular XML namespace.</li>
+<li>Encapsulation of <em>Rules</em> into <em>RuleSets</em> that can be
+    easily and conveniently reused in more than one application that requires
+    the same type of processing.</li>
+<section name="Documentation">
+<p>User documentation is available as package descriptions within the 
+<a href="";>JavaDoc
+API documents</a>.  In particular, you should read the package description for 
+the <code>org.apache.commons.digester</code> package for detailed information 
+on using the package.</p>
+<p>The <a href="";>
+Release Notes</a> document the new features and bug fixes that have been
+included in this release.</p>
+<p>The "examples" directory in the CVS repository contains code which 
+demonstrates the basic functionality. In particular, you should read the 
+AddressBook example in the "api" subdirectory. You can view the examples
+directly from the CVS repository via <a
+the ViewCVS</a> web site, or can use CVS to download the files.
+<section name="Releases">
+    <subsection name='Digester 1.6 Release'>
+        <p>
+Digester 1.6 is an important release adding extra functionality 
+as well as fixes for bugs. It represents an important milestone in the 
+of the Digester 1 design codebase.
+        </p>
+        <p>
+Digester has a dependency on
+<a href=''>Commons 
+This threatens to raise compatibility issues 
+now that two incompatible series of releases exist.
+Fortunately, this dependency is only upon a single mature class (ArrayStack) 
and the versions
+of this class to be found in different versions of the library are binary 
+Therefore a release from the 2.x series or from the 3.x series of commons 
+will do equally well (even though these libraries are incompatible). The 
dependency can
+alternatively be satisfied by including the latest BeanUtils release (1.7) 
+(which includes the class). 
+        </p>
+        <p>
+The dependencies neccessary for Digester 1.6 can be summarized as follows:
+        </p>
+<th colspan='4'>Compatible Dependency Sets</th>
+<td>+Logging 1.0.x</td>
+<td>+BeanUtils 1.x</td>
+<td>+Collections 2.x</td>
+<td>+Logging 1.0.x</td>
+<td>+BeanUtils 1.x</td>
+<td>+Collections 3.x</td>
+<td>+Logging 1.0.x</td>
+<td>+BeanUtils 1.7</td>
+        <p>
+Digester 1.6.0 release is currently in preparation.
+        </p>
+    </subsection>
+    <subsection name='Older Releases'>
+ <ul>
+  <li>Version 1.5 (from mirror) - 27 Apr 2003
+   <a href="";>binary</a>
+   <a href="";>source</a> 
+  <li>Version 1.4.1 (from mirror)
+   <a href="";>binary</a>
+   <a href="";>source</a></li>
+  <li>Version 1.4 (from mirror)
+    <a href="";>binary</a>
+    <a href="";>source</a> 
+  </li>
+  <li><a 
+  <li><a 
+  <li><a 
+  <li><a 
+ </ul>
+    </subsection>
+<section name="Resources">
+ <ul>
+  <!-- newest first sounds like a reasonable rule -->
+  <li>
+   Jun 2, 2003 - <a 
developerWorks article</a> by Otis Gospodnetic about parsing, indexing and 
searching XML with Digester and Lucene.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+   Oct 25, 2002 - <a href="";>JavaWorld</a> has an 
+   article on Digester entitled <a 
+   Simplify XML file processing with the Jakarta Commons Digester</a>.
+  </li>
+  <li>
+   Oct 23, 2002 - <a href="";>OnJava</a> has an article 
+   on Digester entitled 
+   <a href="";>
+   Learning and using Jakarta Digester</a>.</li>
+ </ul>

Added: jakarta/commons/proper/digester/branches/digester2/xdocs/navigation.xml
--- jakarta/commons/proper/digester/branches/digester2/xdocs/navigation.xml 
+++ jakarta/commons/proper/digester/branches/digester2/xdocs/navigation.xml Thu 
Feb  3 17:51:43 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
+<!DOCTYPE org.apache.commons.menus SYSTEM 
+<project name="Digester">
+  <title>Digester</title>
+  <organizationLogo href="/images/jakarta-logo-blue.gif">
+   Jakarta
+  </organizationLogo>
+  <body>
+    <links>
+      <item name="Jakarta Commons"                   
+            href=""/>
+    </links>
+    <menu name="Commons Digester">
+      <item name="Overview"
+            href="/index.html"/>
+      <item name="Guide (Current)"
+            href="/apidocs/org/apache/commons/digester/package-summary.html"/>
+    </menu>
+    &common-menus;
+  </body>

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Thu Feb  3 17:51:43 2005
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+#banner, #banner td { 
+ background: #fff;
+ color: #000;

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