From: "Kevin A. Burton" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
What I'm worried about this is that we might be a bit early for a top level java project. We only have 3 developers and we haven't done a release yet (because we're prevented from doing one).
Yes, probably too early.

Is there a pattern of projects moving from the commons to a top level jakarta project?
HttpClient is the only one that has tried to go to be a subproject within Jakarta. However it still isn't there, despite it being approved long ago.

Also, Jakarta is an odd destination to head for. The ASF board encourages projects to move out of Jakarta and become top level at apache (like Ant, Struts etc) (Note this is controversial with some people)

I just want to do whats easy and conventional for now ;)
If you believe that you can do a quality 0.5 release now then you are probably OK for commons promotion. However, you may need to advertise a possible package rename if you intend to move out of commons longer term.

Also, read the commons charter and see if you think feedparser fits.


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