On Sun, 2005-02-06 at 13:02 -0800, Reid Pinchback wrote:
> --- Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > I stopped using belief as a measurement of code a long time
> > > ago.  Usually only works when I wrote all the code.  :-)
> > > I'll cook up an experiment and see what I can come up with
> > > in the way of timing information.
> > 
> > That would be excellent. I look forward to seeing the results..
> Actually, an experiment implies a question to be answered, and
> while this has been an interesting back-and-forth, not sure
> we really have a question to answer.  This whole thing began
> with me simply asking a question about something you'd
> put in your readme file on the upcoming work.  Practically
> I don't see you not expecting a namespace-aware parser, the
> question is really more one of the user of Digester2 deciding
> if they are using namespace features.  While we could do
> timing tests to help people understand what the impact may
> or may not be of using NS in the documents they parse, it
> obviously has nothing to do with whether or not you are
> going to expect a parser to handle NS if the docs contain NS.
> That will be the developer's problem, not yours, yes?

Hi Reid,

I don't quite understand the above.

You mean these are the questions?
* should people avoid creating xml documents that use namespaces
  if they care about the performance of later parsing the doc?
* Is there a significant performance benefit in parsing 
  non-namespaced xml with a non-namespace-aware parser?
* Is there a significant performance benefit in parsing
  namespace-using-xml with a non-namespace-aware parser

The first is an interesting question, and is partially related to the
third one in that it gives people an *option* (though not a good one
IMHO) to parse the document fast. But mostly I agree this is the
developer's problem, not digester's. Tf we can give a hint somewhere in
our docs about parser performance with/without ns, though, I'm sure
people would appreciate it.

For either of the second, the answer is relevant to digester; if the
answer to either is yes, then I would support allowing a
non-namespace-aware parser to be used with digester. By support, I mean
writing code that allows instantiation of ns-aware or non-ns-aware
parser, code that looks for localname/qname, support in the RuleManager
classes for matching such elements, and unit tests to test it all.

Currently, I'm not hugely motivated to test either of the last two
scenarios, as I *believe* the answer to both is no, but if someone else
does I'll look at the results with interest.

Is this what you meant?



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