robert burrell donkin wrote:


OK... great. Thanks guys. So does this mean I'm a go? I've had more than 3 +1s and no -1s .

I'd like to move to commons proper soon as I'd ideally like to do a 0.5.0 release prior to my codecon talk on Sat Feb 12th. No pressure though ;)

Is it possible to migrate the SVN repository so I still have my version information?

i'm going to assume that 'give out' is just an inaccurate choice of
words. new committers can be proposed once feedparser is in the commons
proper and voted on in the usual fashion.

Yup... usual process... sorry...

Also... I assume we can get a dedicated mailing list for the FeedParser?
HttpClient is currently doing this.

a couple of points:

1. that was a bit of an experiment which didn't work out as well as was
hoped. having all the components on one list encourages a sense of
community and also provides for better oversight.

And a bit of noise I'm afraid. Brad already has problems keeping on the list.

I can just suggest to filter on [feedparser] in the subject line though.

2. wanting or needing a separate mailing list is a sign that a component
doesn't belong in the commons any more.

It might be necessary to move out of the commons eventually but we're not there just yet. Maybe in a couple months after our initial release.

I don't mind running with the commons list.  Its not too bad a requirement.



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