On Sun, 6 Feb 2005 21:45:08 -0500, Henri Yandell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> My reason is quite a lot simpler than Craig's.
> I think of <p> as a container tag and not a separator tag, so I never
> even think of the other way of doing it.
> I guess we could do:
> /**
>  * first
>  * <p/>
>  * second
>  */
> and still be XML compliant (assuming an automatic root of some kind),
> but it would seem just as wrong to me.

It would be valid only if the element that the Javadoc doclet happens
to place around your Javadoc comments accepts mixed content, *AND* if
the nested content is itself well formed.  Java developers who count
on that are, IMHO, making a mistake.

Of course, I feel the same way about developers creating static HTML
pages that create non-well-formed markup :-).


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