Author: burton
Date: Sun Feb  6 21:54:38 2005
New Revision: 151683

added support for onComments and onCommentsFeed to MetaFeedParserListener and 
them added RSS 2.0 and WFW implementations


 Sun Feb  6 21:54:38 2005
@@ -51,12 +51,47 @@
         parseDate( state, mfp );
-        //FIXME: make sure RSS .9 is working and 0.91.  I just need to
-        //confirm but I think they are working correctly
+        //FIXME: make sure RSS .9 is working and 0.91.  I just need to confirm
+        //but I think they are working correctly
         parseGUID( state, mfp );
         parseAuthor( state, mfp );
+        parseComments( state, mfp );
+        parseCommentsFeed( state, mfp );
+    }
+    private static void parseComments( FeedParserState state,
+                                       MetaFeedParserListener listener )
+        throws FeedParserException {
+        Element element = state.current.getChild( "comments" );
+        if ( element != null ) {
+            String resource = element.getText();
+            listener.onComments( state, resource );
+            listener.onCommentsEnd();
+        }
+    }
+    private static void parseCommentsFeed( FeedParserState state,
+                                           MetaFeedParserListener listener )
+        throws FeedParserException {
+        Element element = state.current.getChild( "commentRSS", NS.WFW );
+        if ( element != null ) {
+            String resource = element.getText();
+            listener.onCommentsFeed( state, resource );
+            listener.onCommentsFeedEnd();
+        }

 Sun Feb  6 21:54:38 2005
@@ -183,6 +183,20 @@
+    public void onComments( FeedParserState state,
+                            String resource ) throws FeedParserException {
+        out.println( "onComments: " + resource );
+    }
+    public void onCommentsFeed( FeedParserState state,
+                                String resource ) throws FeedParserException {
+        out.println( "onCommentsFeed: " + resource );
+    }
     // **** LinkFeedParserListener 

--- jakarta/commons/sandbox/feedparser/trunk/tests/feeds/wordpress-comments.rss 
+++ jakarta/commons/sandbox/feedparser/trunk/tests/feeds/wordpress-comments.rss 
Sun Feb  6 21:54:38 2005
@@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
+<!-- generator="wordpress/1.5-alpha-6" -->
+<rss version="2.0" 
+       xmlns:content="";
+       xmlns:wfw="";
+       <title>WordPress WordBlog</title>
+       <link></link>
+       <description>Updates and information relevant to the development of 
+       <copyright>Copyright 2005</copyright>
+       <pubDate>Wed, 02 Feb 2005 22:04:47 +0000</pubDate>
+       <generator></generator>
+               <item>
+               <title>Matt and Ryan talk about 1.5</title>
+               <pubDate>Wed, 02 Feb 2005 22:03:27 +0000</pubDate>
+       <category>Interviews</category>         
+               <description>Craig Hartel, aka NuclearMoose sits down with Matt 
and Ryan, and asks them a few question about WordPress 1.5, Life, and 
Everything in The Inside Scoop - an interview of sorts.
+Matt talks about helping out with managing the project, while also keeping 
track of changes in one's personal and professional ...</description>
+               <content:encoded><![CDATA[      <p>Craig Hartel, aka <a 
href="";>NuclearMoose</a> sits down with <a 
href="";>Matt</a> and <a href="";>Ryan</a>, 
and asks them a few question about WordPress 1.5, Life, and Everything in <a 
Inside Scoop</a> - an interview of sorts.</p>
+       <p>Matt talks about helping out with managing the project, while also 
keeping track of changes in one&#8217;s personal and professional lives, and 
also about why he&#8217;s excited about the forthcoming 1.5 release. Ryan, who 
has been busy with regularly fine-tuning WordPress and fixing bugs, talks about 
some of the more significant bug fixes and feature changes.
+       </item>
+               <item>
+               <title>The WordPress Plugin Repository</title>
+               <pubDate>Mon, 10 Jan 2005 19:03:04 +0000</pubDate>
+       <category>Development</category>                
+               <description>We are proud to announce, the 
WordPress Plugin repository. A need was felt for a set of common tools, and a 
common playground for developers creating plugins and themes to extend 
WordPress. seeks to fill the gap by providing stable and 
reliable hosting, complete with version control, an ...</description>
+               <content:encoded><![CDATA[      <p>We are proud to announce <a 
href="";></a>, the WordPress Plugin 
repository. A need was felt for a set of common tools, and a common playground 
for developers creating plugins and themes to extend WordPress. 
seeks to fill the gap by providing <a 
href="";>stable and reliable 
hosting</a>, complete with <a 
href="";>version control</a>, an <a 
href="";>issue tracker</a>, and wiki 
to the developers, absolutely free.</p>
+       <p>All of the <a href="";>Plugin 
Repository</a> is powered by <a href="";>Trac</a> - an 
integrated SCM (Source Control Management) and project management tool. Version 
control is provided using <a 
href="";>Subversion</a>. Subversion is the source 
management tool WordPress itself will be using after the 1.5 release. </p>
+       <p><strong>Developers</strong> can:</p>
+       <ul>
+       <li>Host their development for <strong>free</strong></li>
+       <li>Be assured of <strong>high visibility</strong> </li>
+       <li><strong>Manage their code</strong> using an <a 
href="";>SVN client</a></li>
+       <li><strong>Track issues</strong> (bugs) using the <a 
+       <li><strong>Provide documentation</strong> using the <a 
href="";>wiki</a> with the help of end-users.</li>
+       </ul>
+       <p><strong>WordPress Users</strong> can:</p>
+       <ul>
+       <li><a 
href="";><strong>Browse</strong></a> all the 
plugins and themes.</li>
+       <li><strong>Download</strong> plugins and themes from one location.</li>
+       <li><strong>Provide feedback</strong> to plugin developers using the 
tracker.<br />
+Help improve the plugin or theme.</li>
+       <li>Develop documentation at the wiki page for the plugins they 
+       <li>Stay in the the loop using the <a 
href="";>RSS feeds</a>.</li>
+       </ul>
+       <p>If you have developed plugins or themes for WordPress, or if you are 
engaged in the process, we strongly urge you to check it in to this community 
resource. <a href="";>Get hosted</a> 
&#8212; a simple email is all it takes to get started. Things have been <a 
href="";>busy</a> in the few weeks the service 
has been around and in testing. About <a href="";>60 
plugins</a> have already been checked in by their developers. Checking in your 
plugin or theme is the best way to expose your plugin to a vast cross-section 
of WordPress users, without having to worry about bandwidth. It also makes it 
much easier to collaborate with other developers, should you choose to.</p>
+       <p>At this point the Plugin Repository is mainly aimed at developers 
and more savvy users, but if you can find your way around the interface it will 
prove a very powerful resource. Trac makes it simple to <a 
href="";>browse the plugins</a> and 
download the latest version, and if the interest that has been shown so far by 
the WordPress hacker community is any indication, the repository is where the 
action is gonna be. So regardless of whether you are a developer or an 
end-user, <a href="";>check it out now</a>.</p>
+       <p>That said, we plan to create a friendlier front-end to the 
repository aimed specifically at new users in the coming months, stay tuned.
+       </item>
+               <item>
+               <title>ArsTechnica : Web Application of the Year</title>
+               <pubDate>Thu, 06 Jan 2005 19:21:09 +0000</pubDate>
+       <category>Newsletter</category>         
+               <description>We hope the new year brings cheer and good news to 
your life.  For the WordPress family, the year starts on a positive note. 
ArsTechnica names WordPress the Web Application of the Year (2004)!
+The blurb reads:
+Let's face it. Blogs are in fashion, and why not? Vanity knows no bounds, 
+               <content:encoded><![CDATA[      <p>We hope the new year brings 
cheer and good news to your life.  For the WordPress family, the year starts on 
a positive note. <a href="";>ArsTechnica</a> names 
WordPress the <a 
Application of the Year</a> (2004)!</p>
+       <p>The blurb reads:</p>
+       <blockquote><p>Let&#8217;s face it. Blogs are in fashion, and why not? 
Vanity knows no bounds, and there are some people who actually do something 
productive with theirs. From the influence of blogs on the coverage of the US 
presidential elections to every random teenager who has problems with their 
partner/parent/teacher/cat, blogs are out there allowing your most intimate 
feelings to be shared with random people at wifi hotspots. WordPress is the 
most prominent rising star of weblog software, completely free and with a large 
and active community. Styles, plugins and hacks are readily available, with 
problems such as comment spamming being addressed far more rapidly than 
competing applications.
+       <p>Congratulations to the WordPress family!</p>
+       <p>2004 was defintely the year of the &#8220;switcher&#8221; for 
WordPress. May 2005 bring a lot of first-time bloggers to the community. With 
each succeeding version, WordPress is becoming more user-friendly, less 
complicated, and more useful.
+       </item>
+               <item>
+               <title>Version Skip</title>
+               <pubDate>Wed, 29 Dec 2004 02:33:19 +0000</pubDate>
+       <category>Development</category>                
+               <description>Some enterprising individuals have noticed that 
the version number in the nightly builds has jumped from 1.3 to 1.5. I've heard 
a number of interesting ideas for why this is, including:
+       Even numbers are soooo 2004
+       2 + 3 = 5 (who can argue with that?)
+       They released 1.3 without telling us
+       They're switching ...</description>
+               <content:encoded><![CDATA[      <p>Some enterprising 
individuals have noticed that the version number in the nightly builds has 
jumped from 1.3 to 1.5. I&#8217;ve heard a number of interesting ideas for why 
this is, including:</p>
+       <ul>
+       <li>Even numbers are soooo 2004</li>
+       <li>2 + 3 = 5 (who can argue with that?)</li>
+       <li>They released 1.3 without telling us</li>
+       <li>They&#8217;re switching to letters (WordPress XP, WordPress CS, 
WordPress MX)</li>
+       <li>They&#8217;re switching to years (WordPress 2004, WordPress 
+       </ul>
+       <p>If you have your own theory then ping this entry. The funniest ping 
gets a free copy of WordPress 1.2005 XP edition.</p>
+       <p>(The real reason is we wanted the version to be indictative of the 
changes in the underlying codebase, and 1.5 has <strong>a lot</strong>. 
We&#8217;re still pretty conservative with version numbers though, if we were 
Microsoft we&#8217;d be on 10.0 already.)
+       </item>
+               <item>
+               <title>Mailing Lists Down</title>
+               <pubDate>Thu, 23 Dec 2004 09:52:28 +0000</pubDate>
+       <category>Development</category>                
+               <description>Just a quick note to say the WordPress discussion 
lists will be down for a few more hours while we transition the archives and 
subscriptions from the old system to the new one. When everything is back to 
normal we'll update this post.
+I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays as ...</description>
+               <content:encoded><![CDATA[      <p>Just a quick note to say the 
<a href="";>WordPress discussion 
lists</a> will be down for a few more hours while we transition the archives 
and subscriptions from the old system to the new one. When everything is back 
to normal we&#8217;ll update this post.</p>
+       <p>I hope everyone is enjoying the holidays as much as we are. :)
+       </item>
+       </channel>

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