certainly the web application deployer should know :)

IIRC it should be possible to tap into lifecycle events and perform the
shutdown by creating a small amount of code external to the actual

anyone object to me marking this one as WONTFIX?

- robert

On Mon, 2005-02-07 at 20:02, Ceki Gülcü wrote:
> Shouldn't this web-app which apparently knows it is using log4j call 
> LogManger.shutdown() directly?
> At 09:05 PM 2/7/2005, you wrote:
> >http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=32662 describes an
> >issues that arises when restarting web apps in tomcat. JCL bridges to
> >log4j which has a rolling file appender configured. the file appender
> >doesn't roll when the application is restarted. the proposed solution is
> >to add a call to LogManager.shutdown.
> >
> >i'm a little worried that calling shutdown may be inappropriate in this
> >circumstance the JVM isn't closing, just a web application. before i
> >take this question to the log4j lists, i wondered whether any log4j
> >experts would be so kind as to either confirm my concerns or set my mind
> >at ease.
> >
> >- robert
> >
> >
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