
I just added a new project to the sandbox. Its designed to provide lightweight runtime benchmarking for Java code. Think log4j for benchmarking.

The code can be disabled at runtime with almost no performance hit. Its also very fast when enabled as well being able to product 1M benchmarks per second with a modern CPU.

The goal is to provide universal and exported performance benchmarks that can be enabled at runtime for the JVM. It can also be used to provide historical benchmarking. Think perfmon for Java. We actually are using it to tie it into ganglia and rrdtool so that we can generate graphs as the the performance of our application.

Right now its just a working proof of concept and needs a lot before it can be shipped. Better API design, XML configuration support, documentation, etc.

Once (and if) its in Jakarta and out of the sandbox it could be used in packages like FeedParser or Tomcat to export benchmarking statistics.



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