On Sat, 05 Mar 2005 20:24:06 -0500, Mark Diggory <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Even if we have to go through the incubator, I'm convinced that adding
> the JAMA codebase into the math library is the best option. IMHO, I'm

Can't see why the Incubator would be needed if the aim was to go from
Apache/Jakarta/Commons/Math to Apache/Jakarta/Math.

 If it was to goto Apache/Math, might be a it more needed in terms of
community discussion etc.

> convinced that while the JAMA folks were very generous and open to
> providing the codebase to the public domain, that further enhancing its
> capabilities and providing any user support is not really in their
> interest. It would be far more in our interest if we forked the codebase
> and supported it. 

+1 assuming they're not actively supporting theirs anymore.

> Any suggestion that the "JAMA folks" would have to
> "agree" to this is not the nature of public domain, IMO reuse of public
> domain doesn't require any such acknowledgment, though we should
> liberally acknowledge their contribution wherever possible.

Or in the nature of the Apache licence. Still, it's polite to do so.
Having their blessing is good from a PR point of view of a fork, it
makes us the good natured folk who are supporting the tool, and not
the evil baddies who are unwilling to work with the original.

I assume that we'd still treat JAMA/RngPack as trademarks/names owned by others.

> http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&client=firefox-a&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&oi=defmore&q=define:public+domain
> http://math.nist.gov/javanumerics/jama/
> > *Copyright Notice* /This software is a cooperative product of The
> > MathWorks and the National Institute of Standards and Technology
> > (NIST) which has been released to the public domain. Neither The
> > MathWorks nor NIST assumes any responsibility whatsoever for its use
> > by other parties, and makes no guarantees, expressed or implied, about
> > its quality, reliability, or any other characteristic./
> >
> Note, JAMA is not a large codebase, and is in the public domain. As
> such, does this really require the need for an "Incubator project"?

Creation of math.apache.org might.

If the JAMA/NIST community were moving their code over to apache.org,
then it definitely would. As it is it sounds like we're just talking
about an existing part of the Apache community forking a piece of code
to use within their exisitng community.

Incubation is really about communities and not code, so if the
community is already incubated, I don't see why the code would have to

Would you be looking to pull in the whole thing, or just using the
JAMA/NIST code as a place to aquire some snippets/classes? I assume
there's a fair amount of duplication already?

While it's public domain, would we still treat it as a contribution
(albeit one we pull rather than a contributor push) and maintain a
note of contribution in the source or NOTICE?

Let me know if you need anything Phil.


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