Frank W. Zammetti wrote:
My feeling is that this would lead to confusion... The code I proposed is
specifically for checking TIME ranges, but looking at your suggestion, I
can't tell if it would work in determing if an hour fell within a given
range.  It might, but I can't tell from what you've posted here.  It also,
in my particular use case, has to work when the range start time is on a
Monday and the range end time is on a Tuesday.

I'm fairly sure that it would.

My 'contains' method looks something like this:
public boolean contains(Date d) {
  return this.startDate.before(d) && this.endDate.after(d);

with 'startDate' and 'endDate' being the 2 dates that are passed into the DateRange(Date, Date) constructor.

I think the object to ints that you and also Henri I think talked about is
valid, but note that you only supply a single int for range start and end,
you don't specify hours and minutes separately. It is this way because
that's exactly what you get if you do Calendar.get(Calendar.HOUR_OF_DAY;. Henri already talked about adding a version to accept a Date, which I
think makes sense, as long as its an overloaded version, I certainly have
no objection.

I can't claim that I completely follow you here -- but I think I get the fundamental point.

I can appreciate your desire to only provide hours and minutes, if that is all that you care about. Part of the problem is that Java only deals with dates in the full context: year, month, day, hour, seconds, etc. So, stripping some of that information away may make the calculations a bit trickier.

I like the idea of the 'TimeRange' object that was mentioned earlier.
I think that may make the simple hour & second calculations easier to deal with.

However, I think this would suffice only if the comparison takes place within a single day. Once the calculation spreads across multiple days, I think it would be better assisted with Date objects, to give it the additional context.

If the difference in 2 Dates is required, then it may also be nice to create a simple class that can convert milliseconds (from Date.getTime()) into more useful units, like seconds, hours, days, etc. I understand that this is simple math, but it can also be repetitive, so it may be worth thinking about.

Again, this depends on the requirements. I may be going off on some weird tangents here.

Now, all that being said, I for one say post your class if something like
it doesn't already exist.  Being able to determine if a date falls within
a given range is also a valuable function for sure. :)

OK, sounds good. I'll try to clean it up and post it to Bugzilla when I get a chance.

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