--- Phil Steitz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Thanks, Simon.  Much clearer now.   
> <snip/> 
> > No, I mean the situation where a container
> continues running, while a webapp
> > or EJB running within it is stopped & restarted
> (potentially with updated
> > code).
> OK,  so then lifecycle events should get triggered.

In the case of EJBs, are there any deployment-scope
lifecycle callbacks analogous to the Servlet API's
ServletContextListener?  All the callbacks I'm aware
of are scoped to individual beans within the pool, not
to the pool itself or to the overall EJB jar

If, for example, a stateless session bean used the
commons-foobar library which in turn used JCL for
logging, we wouldn't want the JCL cleanup code to be
called each time ejbRemove() was invoked. 
Particularly not if the SLSB was just one of many
different beans deployed together, all of which
somehow use JCL.


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