Hello Thomas,

You're right. There was a brief discussion about a Java 5.0 port of collections. The upshot was the project that Michael has pointed out on SourceForge. There are two people working on this at the moment - myself and Mauro Franceschini. After an initial bout of work on this project, I'm afraid I've been hit by a number of personal problems over the past few months, so have virtually no time to do any work with it. Hopefully that should change soon, so I'll be able to start working on it again. If you're interested in discussing collections15 and perhaps contributing, then have a look at what's been done so far.

I started by generifying them all, but as I've moved on to providing implementations of them, it's become obvious that small changes have been needed here and there. After converting all of the interfaces, I decided to start providing implementation of some of the simpler ones (basically the functor interfaces - Predicate, Closure, Transformer, Comparator, etc.). Mauro has also started work on Lists and Iterators.

Any comments and/or help would be greatly appreciated.


Michael Heuer wrote:



On Thu, 24 Mar 2005, Thomas Klaeger wrote:


I was looking for a generics-capable version of commons-collections,
however everything I could find were to small threads on the mailing list.

Instead of complaining I decided to work on it myself.

The first thing I did was creating a generics-version of the various
interfaces provided by commons-collections.

Now I'm seeking your advice: where should I put the changed source
files, as some discussion is sorely needed?



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