On Sat, 26 Mar 2005 16:57:02 +0100, Ceki Gülcü <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 2005-03-24 23:50:45,  Remy Maucherat said,
> It doesn't make any sense for log4j.next to adopt java.util.logging
> API. As for the claim that java.util.logging is the only realistic
> standard forward, it should be clear to any moderately astute observer
> that bundling an API with the JDK is not enough to create a standard.

Heard of the JCP and its standards ? I also heard Apache was an active
contributor to it, and kinda influential too, these days.

> Remy, there is more to logging than what meets your eye as a Tomcat
> developer. I am confident that by continuing to carefully listen to
> your (Tomcat) constituency, you will eventually change your mind.

This is sticking your head in the sand ...

The only thing logical is that there's actually no value in the API
log4j provides to applications: most of them will only use a
featureset equivalent to what commons-logging exposes (as proven by
the fact that nearly everyone uses commons-logging at the moment). I
think your decision of not supporting java.util.logging at any cost is
clearly the root of all the gripes.

My plan for JULI is to:
- write LogManagers tuned to a variety of containers (starting with
Tomcat, and maybe JBoss later)
- port log4j appenders as java.util.logging handlers (this should be quite easy)
Is there any pace for this in the logging project, or should I seek
another home ? The project is definitely much smaller than a standard
project, more like a commons component.

> In other words, don't listen to what LS people have to say, only
> listen to what Tomcat users say.

The idea is that I listened to no one in this case, and made up my own
completely independent decision. My current Tomcat implementation of a
LogManager seems to work very well.
Who are "LS people" anyway ?

Rémy Maucherat
Developer & Consultant
JBoss Group (Europe) SàRL

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