I now implemented support for FTPClientConfig in my local Ant <ftp>
task, but somehow it still fails to parse this directory listing,
although it parses the timestamp correctly (I tested that with jUnit).

Is it because the parser assumes that the 3rd and 4th parameters (owner
and group) are supposed to be numbers as opposed to names?
-rw-r--r--   1 neeme neeme   385 2005-03-21 14:26 about.vsp

I used the following configuration for parsing:
<configuration defaultDateFormatStr="yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"
(and the system type defaults to Unix)


Steve Cohen wrote:

Wow!  Thanks for showing us this.

That's a format I've not seen before. Where did it come from? Is it by any chance a public site? In past experience, all unix ftp servers, which I presume this to be, have used abbreviations for the months.

There IS a new system in the latest version of commons-net that would allow you to specify an alternate date format. I consider this a nice validation of the new design - it offers a way to work with a format we didn't even know existed.

It's not hooked up to ant yet but that was always my intent.

What say, other commons-net committers? Are we ready to build 1.4? Then I could add hooks for this new system in Ant.

Steve Cohen

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