
I just realized that invalidation can fail if connection.close is
called afterwards.


 String pooldrv="jdbc:apache:commons:dbcp:mypool";
PoolingDriver driver = (PoolingDriver) DriverManager

 Connection con=DriverManager.getConnection(pooldrv);
   //something goes wrong with con
 //in my case an sql script creates some temporary tables and
//something might go wrong in the middle of the scipt.
//The validation mechanism can't test if there are temp. tables
//left over, so principally the connection still works, but it's
//ruined for my sql scripts because some temp tables already exist
//Informix doesn't support create or replace temp table

The particular connection is put pack into the pool and reused,
inspite of the fact that it has been invalidated before.
I realized that I could solve my problem by moving the con.close()
into the try-block, but shouldn't closing invalidated connections
still keep them invalidated?


Meikel Bisping

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