I was incorrect again about the symbolic link thing being separate. It's related to the two-part date.

Steve Cohen wrote:
However, I think if you attempt to take your good example and add it to the JUnit tests, (as I just did) you will see that Rory's fix is not sufficient. Yes, it correctly grabs the date string but it doesn't parse it properly because the default UnixFTPEntryParser is still assuming that a standard date format is being used. This shouldn't bother you if you are using FTPClientConfig, but it does mean that we can't capture this use case in JUnit tests, which, as previous experience shows, is important to do.

As for your symbolic links issue, this is a new issue. Can you please write it up in bugzilla?

Neeme Praks wrote:

ok, now I checked out the recent changes and the fix seems to work, at least in the case of usual files:
-rw-r----- 1 neeme neeme 346 2005-04-08 11:22 services.vsp
is parsed into:
datestr=2005-04-08 11:22
And this is correct.

However, it still breaks in the case of symbolic links.
So, if the entry is a symbolic link:
lrwxrwxrwx 1 neeme neeme 23 2005-03-02 18:06 macros -> ./../../global/macros/.
then it is parsed into these variables:
datestr=2005-03-02 18:06 macros
endtoken= ../../../global/macros/

The ending of "-> ../../../global/macros/" seems to confuse the regexp parser.

And to answer Rorys question about the specifics of the FTP server, I'll paste one of my earlier posts here:
This format is from the default FTP server daemon configuration that came with Debian:
Connected to stf.
220 stf FTP server (Version 6.4/OpenBSD/Linux-ftpd-0.17) ready.
Name (stf:neeme): neeme
331 Password required for neeme.
230- Linux stf 2.6.11 #1 SMP Wed Mar 2 14:08:21 CET 2005 i686 GNU/Linux
230- The programs included with the Debian GNU/Linux system are free software;
230- the exact distribution terms for each program are described in the
230- individual files in /usr/share/doc/*/copyright.
230- Debian GNU/Linux comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY, to the extent
230- permitted by applicable law.
230 User neeme logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.


Neeme Praks wrote:

AFAIK, the new system uses both: regexp for extracting the timestamp from the entry line and then using DateFormat to parse that.
-rw-r--r-- 1 1000 1000 27 Jan 24 11:31 messages.vsp
from this line the regexp extracts the timestamp part ("Jan 24 11:31") and then DateFormat is used to parse this to a valid Date object.
The issue here is that the failure is already at regexp matching, and the code never reaches the DateFormat parsing part.

I'll try to check out Rory's changes during the weekend.


Steve Cohen wrote:

No, that's not it at all. Remember that the new system does not use Regexes for date parsing, it uses SimpleDateFormats. From Mr. Praks' descriptions, I am assuming he's now running the 1.3 or earlier versions, which do use regexes.

This surprises me because I've had several conversations with him over the past month in which the new system was discussed. Perhaps he forgot to specify the date format as "yyyy/MM/dd" in his FTPClientConfig this time? Or perhaps his code is finding an older commons-net.jar than he was expecting?

Steve Cohen

Rory Winston wrote:

Right, the problem with this format is that the date is not composed of three discrete components (from a regex POV), but two. Basically what we will need to do is expand the regex to handle thuis - can you give me details of the FTP server operating system and FTP server software version if you have it please.


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