Will Ant be abandoned in favor of Maven or should I update the Ant script to include the unit tests? (I have no experience with Maven)
What indentation do you use for XML? I find both tabs and 2 spaces, even in the same file. (There is also a tab on line 80 in LocalizedBundle.java)

I have set up the environment and started working on some unit tests. I think one of them caught a bug in MessageHandler. My guess is
try {
String text = getText(id, entry, arguments, locale);
return MessageFormat.format(text, arguments);
} catch (MessageNotFoundException e) {
return defaultText;

should read
        try {
            return getText(id, entry, arguments, locale);
        } catch (MessageNotFoundException e) {
            return MessageFormat.format(defaultText, arguments);


(B.t.w. is there a tutorial on creating SVN patches somewhere?)

  Mattias Jiderhamn

At 2005-04-18 13:24, Daniel Florey wrote:
"Jakarta Commons Developers List" <commons-dev@jakarta.apache.org> schrieb am 18.04.05 11:29:38:
> At 2005-04-18 11:11, Daniel Florey wrote:
> > > My though was to re-use the basename or id used when "installing"
> > > ResourceBundle or XML providers. For example, after issuing
> > > ResourceBundleMessageProvider.install("errorMessages");
> > > I would like to be able to qualify the newly installed messages with
> > > MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle("errorMessages",
> > "unexpectedError");
> > > but also keep the existing alternative with
> > > MessageBundle msg = new MessageBundle("unexpectedError"); //
> > > "unexpectedError" from any source
> >
> >Do you want this to be able to install different resources with the same
> >message key or is it mainly because of implementation details (performance)?
> Primarily multiple entries with same key, secondarily performance.
> > > This may seem like a minor change at a first glance, but to also improve
> > > performance my thought was to to change the MessageManager class from
> > > holding a list of provider instances - which in turn can contain multiple
> > > resources (and thus assumes one instance per provider class) - to
> > holding a
> > > Map from basename/id/namespace/qualifier to provider instance, where each
> > > instance only contains a single resource (i.e. XML-file/ResourceBundle).
> > > Though I planned on backwards compatibilty, by looping over the Map values
> > > - instead of the List entries - in the current MessageManager.getText()
> > method.
> > > (Did I make myself clear?)
> >
> >I try my best to get your point...
> >At the moment there is only one MessageProvider holding many resources.
> >You want to change this to many MessageProviders holding one resource each
> >in order to improve performance?
> Yes. Instead of having to loop through the providers - catching exceptions
> from those who do not contain the entry, which is quite costly performance
> wise - and get the first match, I want to be able to point out the source
> which I expect to hold the entry. But then again, todays behaviour should
> be kept as the default behaviour when not using a basename/namespace
> qualification.
> >I currently don't have access to the sources as I'm on a project in Jordan
> (You can browse them online,
> http://jakarta.apache.org/commons/sandbox/i18n/xref/index.html is quite
> easy to navigate)
> >but as soon as I'm back home I'll try to have a closer look at this.
> Should I try to create a patch suggestion which you could look at then?

Yes, this would be great!
It would be very (very) appreciated, if you could provide some testcases... I started to write some a while ago, but never managed to complete them. If we would have a complete testsuite we could refactor without the fear to break something ;-)
If we get the testsuite done and improve the documentation, we hopefully can move the component to commons proper soon...

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