On Sun, 2005-04-24 at 23:59 -0700, Brian Stansberry wrote:
> --- robert burrell donkin
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > here are my results obtained by comparing the theory
> > with the current
> > behaviour. 
> > 
> > (1) JCL Behaves As Expected (50%)
> > ---------------------------------
> > 1,2,3,4,7,8,11,12,15,16,17,18,19,23,27,31
> > 
> > (2) JCL Throws Exception Rather Than Logging To
> > Log4J (28%)
> >
> -----------------------------------------------------------
> > 5,6,13,14,21,22,24,25,29
> > 
> On 14, shouldn't JCL logging be via j.u.l?  The
> caller's classloader only has access to the api.jar,
> so it shouldn't be possible to load Lo4jLogger.
> On 13 a similar situation applies, because with
> parent-first loading the api.jar in the parent is
> going to be the JCL that does discovery.  It will see
> its own Log4j but have no wrapper class.

good catch 8-)

yes, that's right. 

the context classloader is set to the system so the wrapper cannot be
loaded. therefore, in both cases, JCL should log to JUL.

committed correction

- robert

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