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The following page has been changed by PhilSteitz:

New page:
= Release Plan For Commons Math 1.1 =

== Background ==

This is a maintenance release including bug fixes and some enhancements. 

== Status ==

In progress


= Pre Release Tasks =

== Coding ==
 * Complete `SubMatrix` implementation requested in Pr 35007
 * Add `TestUtils` class including factory methods as requested in Pr 32663

=== Documentation ===
 * Run linkcheck to verify links in javadoc and user guide
 * Add documentation in user guide showing how PRNG pluggability works

=== Javadoc ===

 * Add since tags to all methods introduced since 1.0 release
 * Improve `WeibullDistributionImpl` javadoc
 * Review all javadoc for accuracy and completeness

=== Check Compatibility ===

This release should be binary compatible with the 1.0 release, including 

== RC(s) ==

 * Once tasks above a completed, create MATH_1.1_RC1 branch and roll a full RC
 * Repeat for n=2, 3, ... until all are happy (see below :-)

== Release Notes ==

Create a text file based on the content of changes.xml, name this 
`ReleaseNotes.txt` and add to release.  Would be great to have a 
commons-standard way to do this.

== Release Vote(s) ==

If no objections are raised on problems reported with an RC after two days, a 
VOTE thread will be kicked off.  If problems are reported during the vote, 
these will be fixed and a new RC will be made available and a new VOTE 
initiated.  This process will iterate until we have had a successful VOTE 
thread extend for 72 hours.

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