On Sun, 2005-05-22 at 21:05 +0100, robert burrell donkin wrote:

> however, having wasted too many hours trying to arguing about
> performance, if i get a minute, i'll go through and put checks around
> calls just to stop any arguments later. (don't think that they'll be too
> much negative performance impact from it.)

I'm not concerned about performance. What I'm concerned about is code
readability. JCL is pretty difficult to comprehend at the moment, and I
didn't want to make it any harder for new developers by adding yet more
lines of code to the file when they wouldn't have any measurable effect
on any benchmark.

It's not hugely important to me though, so if anyone feels a strong
desire to add
  if (isDiagnosticsEnabled()) {
to the code several dozen times to gain a few milliseconds on webapp/app
startup then I can live with it.



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