  Put the patch up last night.  On bug

  It doesn't really move the EL support out of core, but it does avoid
creating any dependencies and instead relies on a classloader to bring
in an implementation of an Evaluator.  I put a JSTL Evaluator as the
default, but I threw together a JEXL implementation this morning.  My
suggestion would be to put the impl package in a subproject and put
the EvaluationHelper in core.  Of course  I do not have a real
preference on the topic.


On 6/10/05, Michael Rasmussen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Yes, I think the idea would be that commands like LookupCommand
> > aren't really central; alternatively, there could be EL-enabled
> > alternatives outside the core, if it seemed to make sense to put some
> > very basic ones in the core.
> >
> > Also, note that JEXL is a very small and very stable library, and I
> > have no objection myself to adding a dependency directly to it.
> >
> So since Joe is on vacation I am not expecting that he will answer
> this any time soon, but if anyone else has an opinion.
> I was thinking of writing this in a way that abstracts the actual
> expression language and makes it pluggable or gives you the option to
> turn it on/off (off by default?)
> Then create a helper that has no dependencies on any new libraries
> that will just return the string that was passed to it if evaluation
> is turned off.  If evaluation is turned on it will evaluate the
> expression using your choice of expression language provided it is on
> your classpath and you have written an implementation of the
> evaluator.
> I think it makes sense to provide the JSTL-EL as the default (Sorry
> JEXL) since it is the "JS".  But I think it is still valuable to
> provide an extension point for others.  Then adding JEXL is trivial.
> Commands can choose to use the helper or not as it makes sense to do
> so.  I'll whip up some code this weekend and work out the details.
> Hopefully I'll have a patch to present soon.  Of course good fishing
> weather has been known to ruin even my best laid plans.  ;-)
> Thoughts?
> Michael

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