--- Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> On Tue, 2005-06-14 at 23:31 -0700, Brian Stansberry
> wrote:
> > > Re the InvocationTargetException for
> LogKitLogger:
> > > 
> > > Does it actually matter whether
> > > ExceptionInInitializerError or
> > > InvocationTargetException occurs for
> LogKitLogger?
> [snip]
> > Depends on how we resolve the issue of whether to
> ever
> > fall into discovery if a relevant ALLOW...PROPERTY
> was
> > set.  In the case of InvocationTargetException,
> play.
> True. 
> As I said in the bugzilla note, I'm tempted to leave
> things as they are
> (no attempt to recover from problems when user
> specifies a particular
> library themselves). But I'm open to persuasion...

Not going to try to persuade, as I've come around to
your point of view.  My nagging concerns were 1)
avalon/logkit users would not be able to get JCL to
run in certain situations and 2) the different
behavior when using commons-logging.properties would
be confusing to document and explain.  Had a chance to
look carefully at all the places where behavior with
c-l.properties differs from normal discovery.  As
you've noted, many could be resolved with standard
advice like "use the commons-logging-adapters.jar" or
"put a copy of logkit.jar in the parent loader
classpath". The rest were odd cases involving a broken
TCCL where some kind of special instructions would
have to be given in any case.

A big upside of the "no attempt to recover" approach
is even log4j users can use c-l.properties and thus
force LCE's in situations where JCL would otherwise
fall back to JDK logging.  For example, to avoid a
situation where someone forgets to deploy log4j.jar in
the parent classpath, so the special "wake up the SA
at 4:00AM whenever there is an error" appender never
gets called. 

> > Even if we decide _not_ to ever fall into
> discovery,
> > its mildly tempting to patch LogKitLogger so it
> fails
> > with the ExceptionInInitializerError.  Just so if
> some
> > poor guys three years from now change something,
> the
> > bug won't suddenly pop out.
> That's fine by me. If you provide a patch I'll
> happily commit it.

Will do. 


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