Thanks, Simon!  

On 6/25/05, Simon Kitching <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Sat, 2005-06-25 at 21:34 -0700, Phil Steitz wrote:
> > Before I roll an RC, I need consensus on how we should be doing this.
> > I see three alternatives, with the PITA level increasing in order:
> >
> > 1.  Don't worry, be happy - just set and use
> > maven dist under 1.4 (or 1.5) to generate the jars and roll the
> > distros.
> >
> > 2.  Add the following to
> > # Fill in path to build JDK or specify this in local
> > # When building distribution jars, should use JDK 1.3
> > # maven.compile.executable=
> > maven.compile.fork=true
> >
> > maven.jar.manifest=MANIFEST.MF
> > then specify maven.compile.executable in and add a
> > MANIFEST.MF file containing one line:
> > Build-Jdk: 1.3
> > (maven will merge that one line into the manifest that it generates,
> > making it correct).
> Option 2 looks good to me. (I presume you mean setting
> maven.compile.executable in

No, I meant, since that is where at least I put local
stuff (things like maven.username and other local stuff) and maven
will pick this up.  I think commons-build has a with this kind of thing.

> > I am by no means a jdk expert, but from what has been said above, it
> > looks to me like 1 and 2 both carry some risk (the risk in 2 being due
> > to lack of classpath control).  It would seem, though, that if the
> > tests all pass when compiled and run under 1.3 against the 1.4 jar,
> > the risk in even 1. is small (assuming path coverage is good).
> I don't understand what you mean by "lack of classpath control".

I think someone mentioned that maven.compile.executable just sets the
path to the javac executable.  The java classpath used could still
include, e.g. rt.jar from the "parent" jdk.  I don't think maven
exposes properties like ant.bootclasspath and ant.classpath that allow
you to control the classpath used when compiling the jar.  It is quite
possible that I have this wrong, but it makes sense to me (since maven
builds the classpath from the POM).

> I would agree that compiling the core code under 1.4 or 1.5 then
> compiling and running the tests under 1.3 is sufficient to assure 1.3
> compatibility. However I'm not sure that a simple and reliable way of
> doing that can be found.

Well, I have done it manually for math 1.1.  It would have to be sort
of a release validation step.  I just hack the maven-generated
build.xml to add the release jar to the classpath, omit compiling the
code, compile the tests and run the test goal, executing ant with
.antrc specifying the different jdks.  I suppose I could commit the
test-jar.xml and we could just always do this as part of validation.

Actually, I have often thought that running the tests against the
release jars (not the compiled classes) would be a good general
release validation practice.  I remember runniing into a funny
velocity problem last year that did not show up in the tests because
the there were some classes ommitted from the release jars.

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