Thanks for the feedback. 

On 7/31/05, robert burrell donkin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi phil
> looks good
> i have a few comments:
> 1 i wouldn't recommend to anyone that they ever record their passphrase
> in any file stored on any computer.

Agreed.  Unfortunately, I don't think the artifact plugin supports
prompting.  Probably better in any case to pass this on the command
line (though that is still not too good).  Brett?

> 2 tyoe (i think)
> Note that because of the rsynch delay, your changes will not appear

What is the problem here?  Can't see the typo...

>                          ------
> 3 title "repository structure" wants to be capitalised

> 4 might want to add a note that the uploading to ibiblio may be slow
> (sees to sync via ajax)

> 5 title "deploying snapshot jars" wants capitalising

Ack.  Also probably want to use "deploy-snapshot" instead of "deploy"
in the command.
> - robert
Thanks!  The xml is in svn commons-build/xdocs, so all pls feel free
to make improvements directly.


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