--- robert burrell donkin

> On Tue, 2005-08-02 at 20:00 +1200, Simon Kitching
> wrote: 
> > Note, however, that commons-logging isn't making
> much progress at the
> > moment, and several issues standing in the way of
> a new release. So
> > there's no guarantee of when the next release
> might actually be pushed
> > out.
> i hope to have a bit more time now but i've now lost
> track of where we
> are....

Been in China with only a dial-up connection that was
so slow as to make following this list impossible. 
Hope to be a little more active now that I'm back
(can't be any less active than I have been).  But,
have also lost track of where we are).  Changing jobs
in a couple weeks; after a month hope to have much
more time to help out.

-- Brian

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