Brett Porter wrote:
Doesn't the source zip required by an IDE usually need to be baed at the
same level as a JAR?

Not for Eclipse. Not sure about other IDEs.

The approach we're taking with Maven is to publish a source JAR (and
Javadoc JAR) that accompanies the binary JAR.

I assume thats Maven 2? Its good anyway. But the question is what are you planning the zip distributions to contain?

Could it be:
        Development based release (Runtime jar, source jar, release notes).
        Docs based release, (Runtime jar, no source, Javadoc).
        All sources needed to produce other pieces.

or simpler:
        Standard release (Runtime jar, source jar, javadoc jar, release notes).
        All sources needed to produce other pieces.

To do this, would we need to agree this across the whole of commons? And perhaps agree it with maven too? (Since most of commons uses maven generated ant scripts, most have lost the ability to do this kind of non-maven standard dist). Just trying to work out if this is practical.


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