I have just started to do some testing/development using the commons-vfs and I 
have some
questions regarding checkstyle and code contribution that I would appreciate if 
someone could answer for
We have some production
servers that host several small files that we would like to collect and expose 
through a web admin interface. Since we have
activemq up and running on each instance I thought that it would be nice if we 
could use the JMS to share files through the VFS
interface. ie we write the admin app based on VFS and hook up all the servers 
using a jms provider in VFS.. In the course of
writing the jms provider I also modified some java resources that were in the 
SVN repository (Shell.java) that I would like to
submit back(you can have it all when it stable if you want). So I modified the 
Eclipse 3.1 code formatting layout to look like
the code that has been written before and thought that I should use checkstyle 
to verify the code convention. So I hit “maven
checkstyle” and got:
Unable to
create a Checker: unable to parse 
file:C:/Program/eclipse3/workspace/vfs/checkstyle.properties - Content is not 
allowed in
I’m using maven 1.0.2
that seems to download checkstyle 3.4 by default. So my questions are:
Is the “checkstyle” task up to date? Should I use some other version of 
or perhaps run some version of checkstyle in standalone mode to be compatible 
with the checkstyle.properties that exists in the
root of the project. Perhaps migrate checkstyle.properties to checkstyle.xml...
Do you want the modified/added files submitted on this list or in
bugzilla? My guess is bugzilla.
also have some VFS design questions, but those can wait…
Finally I would like to add that what I have seen so far impresses me. I had 
very little problem digging
into the code that has been written so far. Using the JUnit tests for the new 
provider really helped a
Thanks in
OctaGroup AB

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