I've been playing with javaflow and noticed the following.

Suppose I have the following code:

        File root = new File("data");

This compiles into the following bytecode:

    // local variable 0 is "this"
    // local variable 1 is "root"

    0  new java/io/File
    3  dup
    4  ldc "data"
    6  invokespecial java/io/File/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    9  astore_1

After the instrumentation, this code expands to:

    118  ldc "data"
    120  aload 2
    122  swap
    123  invokevirtual o/a/c/j/b/StackRecorder/pushObject...
    126  new java/io/File
    129  dup
    130  aload 2
    132  invokevirtual o/a/c/j/b/StackRecorder/popObject...
    135  checkcast java/lang/String
    138  invokespecial java/io/File/<init>(Ljava/lang/String;)V
    141  astore_1

I don't think I understand the instrumentation logic completely, but from a cursory look, the idea is to evaluate constructor parameters before the 'new' op (and StackRecorder is used as a temporary place to store evaluated objects.)

This is actually causing an NPE if I run the above code outside the continuation environment (because StackRecorder is null.)

So here goes my questions:

Why is this necessary? I'd imagine it's related to restoring/capturing stack frames when Continuation.suspend is invoked inside a constructor, but it's not clear to me why we need to handle 'new's/'invokespecial's differently from, say, 'invokevirtual'.

Also, I noticed that the BcelClassTransformer isn't actually generating the stack capture/restore code for invokespecial. Is that a TODO? Is this related to the following line in the TODO file?

  o fix unintialized objects for method/constructor calls

Kohsuke Kawaguchi

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