On 8/13/05, J.Pietschmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Add TrapezoidIntegrator.java
> > Add TrapezoidIntegratorTest.java
> > Update UnivariateRealIntegrator.java
> > Update UnivariateRealIntegratorImpl.java
> Ok, I had a look at the files. It looks good, except
> that some style issues which look like being copied
> from C source should be fixed.
> Phil, Brent, Al: I've been inactive for a while now
> but I can take care of integgrating the integration
> files. I'll create a branch if this interferes with
> releasing 1.1

Great!!  I created a release branch for 1.1 and updated the POM in
trunk to 1.2, so there will be no contention with the release.  I also
committed the sources in what I think is the latest version to trunk. 
Pls check out and make any changes you see fit.

> Zhang: you don't have to create a new bugzilla entry
> for every update, you can just create new attachments
> to an existing entry. I'd also prefer an attachment
> for each source file rather than a zip archive.
> All: What's the opinion about piling up implementations
> of text book integration algorithms? The holy grail is
> completely automatic intgration, so that the user doesn't
> have to know anything about the integrated function. Last
> time I checked adaptive higher order Gauss integration was
> en vogue for this purpose.

I think one could argue for including both kinds of things, similiar
to other places in [math].  Provide users with the choice to select an
algorithm or use a default or "adaptive" selection.  I think the basic
interface setup that Xiaogang has is sound - though I am open to
alternatives - and we could (and should) easily add factory support.
> J.Pietschmann
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