On 8/21/05, Martin Cooper <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 8/21/05, Ate Douma <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm working (as committer) on Jetspeed-2, Portals Bridges and Wicket 
> > (wicket.sf.net).
> > For all these projects I need to provide some form of JSR-168 based 
> > FileUpload.
> > Although I found the 1.1-dev release in cvs.apache.org/repository I'd 
> > rather see a real 1.1 release.
> > The current codebase hasn't been touched since December 2004 and although 
> > it might not be 100% fail prove,
> > a release simply based on the current codebase would be very much 
> > appreciated.
> > Reviewing the mailing lists (both dev and user) shows I'm not alone in this 
> > respect...
> > I've already seen some projects decide to pull in the code themselves 
> > instead of waiting for ever.
> > Could anyone from the FileUpload team please give an indication if, and 
> > hopefully when, we can expect something?
> FileUpload 1.1 depends on IO 1.1. I've tried to nudge the IO folks
> several times to get their 1.1 release done, but there always seem to
> be a few more things that need to be finished up and nobody to do the
> finishing, so that has never happened. That has rather dampened the
> enthusiasm I once had for getting FileUpload 1.1 finished and out the
> door...
> > And if need be, I'm willing to help out where I can: just let me know.
> If you can help in any way to get IO 1.1 released, then I'll be glad
> to jump back in and finish off FileUpload 1.1 shortly thereafter.

Ack. Let's make that happen. IO 1.1.

Easiest way; anything new that's not ready gets thrown overboard and
left til 1.2 :)


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