do you really want to show compiler errors to the user? If so, you can pass a problem handler that consumes the problems up to a refresh of a page. For this refresh the problem handler is asked for the problems and they are passed to the view. After getting the problems from the handler it can be resetted or cleared. (BTW, this use case shows a different lifecycle for the handler and is another signal for removing lifecycle specific stuff from the handler interface.)

Well, to me it's a clear example why a
lifecycle would make sense!

For the integration into web frameworks: Do you need the CompilingClassLoader? Isn't the Compiler sufficient? At least for XSP in Cocoon the reload is handled
by Cocoon.

Which is actually bad bad bad!
We had major problems with that.

The lastmodified check is a big
performance bottleneck. If you
go for a synchronous check you
would have to check it on every

We worked around that by caching
it for a certain amount of time.
Beforehand XSP pages did just not scale.

An asynchronous approach will
help with the SoC and scaleability.

...implementation that with XSP
turned out to be no piece of cake
and noone ended up doing it.
IIRC there was a discussion with
Berin long long(!) time ago.

I'm going to provide a JCI implementation for the LanguageCompiler
interface (used in XSP), but probably not in the next two weeks.

Which would be great :-)


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