Mac OS X 10.4 and I assume US locale. However, I have to downgrade my dumbster to 1.5, so I could imagine weirdness. I am okay with things as long as it works for you.

I'll call the vote now.

Eric Pugh

On Aug 31, 2005, at 4:46 AM, Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:

Eric Pugh <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

So now there are no outstanding bugs left.  However, after I applied
the patchs, I reran my tests using a maven clean first, and now am
having some unit test failures.

It seems like attaching a "bad" url doesn't actually cause any
failures....   Can someone else confirm this issue?

The unit tests work fine for me with both en_US and en_US.UTF-8
locale. What platform, what locale did you try?



On Aug 30, 2005, at 8:22 AM, Henning P. Schmiedehausen wrote:

    BodyPart primary = getPrimaryBodyPart();

    if ((primary instanceof MimePart) && StringUtils.isNotEmpty
(charset)) {
        ((MimePart) primary).setText(msg, charset);
    } else {

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