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Hi there,

Simon Kitching wrote:
> nb: top-posting, esp. in reply to a thread that already uses
> bottom-posting, makes an email *really* hard to read!
> On Sun, 2005-10-09 at 22:59 -0500, Jacob Kjome wrote:
>>Can the problem be restated?  Seems like this email catches the end of a 
>>conversation.  What is the issue at hand?
I am sorry for this. I wanted to have the issue raised on this list, but
very little time at the moment. Thanks to Simon for making this clear.
> This bugzilla entry has some of the relevant history.
> http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=34437
> This thread has more discussion:
> http://www.mail-archive.com/log4j-dev@logging.apache.org/msg04408.html
>>As for TRACE, that is new to Log4j-1.2.12 and didn't exist in versions 
>>previous to it.  If it doesn't exist in a 1.3 alpha binary release yet, it 
>>will.  There are plans to get a new 1.3 alpha build out soon.  There's been 
>>a lot of work done in the source to make 1.3 more compatible with 1.2, 
>>which wasn't the plan early on in 1.3's development.  But now the thought 
>>is try to keep 1.3 as compatible with 1.2 as possible.  If you are worried 
>>that the current alpha is incompatible with the 1.2.xx branch, please try 
>>building Log4j-1.3 from source and then compile against that.  That will 
>>provide a much better test of JCL 1.2.xx and 1.3 compatibility.
> That's nice to hear.
I agree. I will let you know when I checked the latest 1.3 from HEAD.
> Regards,
> Simon
Take care
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